Scarville and Center Lutheran Churches


Scarville Synod Lutheran Church


Rev. Paul Haugen

1970 – The Rev. Paul Haugen was installed at the Scarville-Center parish. New Conn organ purchased for the church.


The church was re-shingled.


September 17 – Rules and Regulations adopted for Scarville Lutheran Cemetery.


Signe Gran resigned as church organist after 26-27 years.


The parsonage roof was re-shingled by Scarville member Bert Songstad. It was decided to try individual cups for communion while continuing to use the common cup.

Rev. Carl Wosje

1976 – New pastor’s study was built. Addition to the basement made.


Pastor Haugen took a call to Belview, Minnesota. He was succeeded by the Rev. Carl Wosje who was installed on May 8. The northwest porch of the parsonage was made into a laundry room. Concrete was poured for the east porch.

Rev. John S. Dukleth

1981 – Pastor Wosje took a call to Port Orchard, Washington. Insulation blown into the church attic.


Steel siding was put on the parsonage and other repairs accomplished.


The Rev. John S. Dukleth was ordained and installed at the Scarville-Center parish on July 8. Plexiglas installed on all stained-glass windows.


A Minolta copier machine with metal stand was purchased by both Scarville and Center Churches. A new air conditioner for pastor's study was donated by Arnold Faugstad, and Dale Helgeland agreed to repaint the entire church exterior, including the study and block foundation.


Slab of concrete poured for basketball court.


New pews purchased for the church along with new carpet for the entire upstairs, entry, and baby room. Twelve casement windows under the stained-glass windows replaced and the outside walls were insulated and re-paneled four feet below the new windows by Karl Bloedel Construction.



Suspended ceiling and new lighting installed in the main basement through a gift from Selmer Brustad. A new outdoor announcement board was given in memory of Agnes Songstad from the Songstad family. New playground equipment added.


New furnace purchased for the church.

Rev. Daniel A. Basel

1989 – Pastor Dukleth took a call to Luverne, Minnesota. He was succeeded by the Rev. Daniel A. Basel who was ordained and installed at the Scarville-Center parish on July 9.


3' x 160' sidewalk poured in front of church. Basement windows were replaced by Karl Bloedel Construction and insulation added to exterior of church. Scarville-Center church directory published.


Laminated steel siding added to the church, church re-shingled, and steeple repair done by Karl Bloedel Construction. Toshiba copier purchased

Rev. Thomas L. Rank

1992 – Pastor Basel took a call to Deschler, Ohio.


The Rev. Thomas L. Rank was installed at Center. The seventy-fifth anniversary of Scarville Synod Lutheran Church was celebrated on August 15. Scarville 75th Anniversary


Dagne Aadsen honored for 27 years as organist. Cornerstone emptied due to prior damage of documents.


Eighty new Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary books received replacing the old Norwegian Lutheran Hymnary published in 1913. New organ purchased for the church. Four new windows installed in parsonage, flooring replaced, and cabinet added.


Dewey Kruger speakers purchased for the new organ.

Scarville new school building

1998 - New school building was attached to the south wing of the Scarville Lutheran Church. Tornado in the outskirts of Scarville caused some damage to the church.


All-School Reunion held at the new school. New copier machine purchased.



Former Scarville member Signe Olson donated approximately one acre of land west of the church for the church and school.


Scarville-Center church directory published. New well drilled for the church and school. Landscaping done to new section of land. The Bethany Lutheran College Choir gave a concert on May 25.


Pastor’s office remodeled with the addition of new windows, carpet, shelving, and light fixtures.


New desk and cupboards built in the sacristy. In the spring, Scarville-Center Lutheran Church website posted on the Internet.


basement remodelled by Karl Bloedel Construction.