
Classroom Connection

Scarville Lutheran

August 31, 2020

Wow!  We are at the end of August already!  I am so thrilled that we can begin our year in person.  The children and I had a good first week.  They are quickly getting back into the routine.  It touches the heart strings to see and hear children talking, running, and playing together again!  We have implemented a buddy system for a few weeks.  We have a larger number of students that have never used an assignment book.  I have paired an upper grader with a younger student to help them learn how to do things with that book.  This is one reason that I need everyone hear by 8:15.  The buddies are helping their younger one get things written into their assignment book.  That way we can get started with our day at 8:30.  Thank you parents for continuing to make this a priority so we can succeed.  Now here are some things we will be working on this week:

Bible Lesson:  We will be hearing New Testament stories in grades K-4.  Pastor is taking the 6-7 graders for class.  This week we will celebrate Christmas in September!  We first hear how God gave Zechariah and Elizabeth a son named John.  Zechariah praised God for the Savior, who was coming soon.  John would get the people ready for the Savior. We thank God for always keeping His promises.  Then we hear how God sent His Son to earth as a baby.  He would be our Savior.  The shepherds were happy because God had sent the Savior.  We want to respond to Jesus’ birth with joyful words and actions.  Our Bible verse for the week is:  “My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  (Psalm 73:26)  1-7 will say it to me on Friday.  Our hymn for the week is “O How Great Is Thy Compassion.”  (Hymn 460)  

1-2  verse 1 3-4  verses 1-2 6  verses 1-3 7  verses 1-4

These are also placed on our school’s facebook page each week for you.  

Music:  We will be starting to practice our hymn for singing later in September.  In Classical listening we will hear  “Peer Gynt:  Morning” by Grieg.  

Author:  In picture book reading time I will be reading books that have to do with numbers.  In our read-a-loud time I am reading “Red as in Russia, Measles, and Love.”  

Spelling:  We are using the poetry that is included in our Spelling books each week.  First grade will also begin the poetry section this week, but will not start spelling lists for a couple of weeks yet.  I will let you know when they begin.  

Kindergarten:  The first letter we are practicing is “Ll.”  The letters are introduced in order of frequency in our language.  We are working on some “Back-to-School” activities and writing our name.  We will soon begin our Apple unit in Science.  After each letter, they will bring home a little book that contains songs and poetry for that letter. Parents enjoy reading it with your child.  

**Please note that we are learning that when we write a name, only the first letter is a capital.  When your child practices their name on homework, please help them remember that.  


Grade 1:  We are beginning to read stories that are based on word families and poetry that is also based on the same.  You will see that the word family words will have been circled in class already.  We will have hi-lighted the answers for the questions in the story.  Your child should write the complete sentence that answers each question.  They should practice reading the story to you three times and then color the little faces.  Return the stories in their homework folder to be handed in the next day.  

Grade 2:  We will be alternating between short reading passages that help with comprehension and vocabulary, and a novel.  Our first novel is a “Magic Tree House “ book – “The Knight of Dawn.”  I would ask that you listen to your child read the shorter passages when they come home in their homework folder.  They should come back to school to be handed in the next day.  

Grades 3-4:  We will be reading novels this year.  Our first book is  “Stone Fox.”  

Grades 6-7:  We will be reading novels this year.  Our first book is “Where the Red Fern Grows.”  

Dates to Remember:

9/7 NO SCHOOL – Labor Day

9/27 Sing in church

10/2 School Friends  

** Cleaners for 8/31 – 9/4   N. Bloedel

      Cleaners for 9/7 – 9/11 Endersons  

Have a great week connected to Jesus!!  Mrs. Welke 507-458-7825

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